As the counting of votes began for the Delhi Assembly polls that were held on February 8, the BJP chief Manoj Tiwari on Tuesday said that his party was winning and that preparations for celebration have started in the party office.
Tiwari told the media: "I am not nervous, preparations for celebrations have started in the BJP office."
He said that he was going to take the blessings of Lord Hanuman. "We are coming to power and it will not be surprising if we win 55 seats."
Tiwari said: "Everyone has taken the test with their own hard work, and now is the time for results. I am not nervous, today is the sacrifice day of Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay. Incidentally, on February 11, the election results are coming. I feel happy that BJP is going to get something good in this."
This time, a total of 672 candidates are in the fray for the Delhi Assembly, of which 593 are male and 79 female candidates. This election saw a total of 62.59 per cent voting, which is about five per cent less than the 2015 Assembly elections of 67.49 per cent.