Electronic goods worth lakhs of rupees were stolen from a mobile shop at Barkheda under Govindpura police station area on Thursday.Police said the victim Harnaam Singh lodged a complaint regarding of burglary of mobile phones from his mobile shop at Barkheda which was targeted in the evening on Thursday.
In his complaint the victim stated that he owns a mobile shop which is closed due to lockdown imposed in the State capital and in the evening on Thursday he was informed by a local that locks of shop were broken and valuables were burgled.
On the receipt of the information victim when to check his shop and later lodged complaint with Govindpura police.
The shop was not having any CCTV camera and the nearby installed CCTV cameras which would be investigated in the further investigation. The police suspects that habitual offenders of the area are involved in the burglary and have targeted the shop.