The Delhi Police has arrested a second year Bachelor of Arts (BA) student in Delhi University for allegedly harassing a girl by making fake social media accounts in her name and posting obscene pictures. Police said the boy also used to harass the girl by calling her from different phone numbers.
The accused has been identified as Umesh Kumar, a resident of Sangam Vihar area.
According to Atul Kumar Thakur, the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), South district, a complaint was received from Geeta (name changed) in which she stated that someone had created her multiple profiles on Instagram and Facebook using her photo and mobile no with dirty and obscene comments on it.
“She also told police that she was also being continuously harassed by anonymous phone calls from different numbers. The unknown persons were talking in filthy language and asking for favours,” said the DCP.
“Due to such acts of the alleged person on Social media platforms, the victim was suffering from mental trauma and harassment. A First Information Report (FIR) was filed under section 354D, 509, 506 of Indian Penal Code (IPC) at Neb Sarai police station and investigation was taken up,” said the DCP.
“During investigation, emails were sent to Facebook and Instagram and after thorough analysis of the suspected numbers, one suspect identified as Umesh Kumar was apprehended who later confessed to his crime,” said the DCP.
“During interrogation, the accused disclosed that he was in friendship with the victim's elder sister. In March 2020, his friendship ended, for which he suspected the victim. Thereafter, he decided to harass her by creating her fake profiles with obscene posts and comments,” said the DCP.