Crime branch Bhopal police have nabbed a mobile phone thief and recovered 11 stolen mobile phones from his possession on Wednesday; accused is fond of stealing smart phones. Acting on a tip off regarding a man trying to sell mobile phones near DB Mall in MP Nagar area and was detained and when he checked mobile phones were found in a bag he was carrying.
The accused was identified as Banphool Pardi. The accused was not able to provide details of the mobile phones recovered from his possession.
The accused has been booked for burglary by Balaghat police. During the further investigation when the accused was quizzed he confessed stealing of mobile phones in Jabalpur.
Royal Enfield bike was recovered from his possession which he used to evade suspicion and he would roam on the bike to target the victims.
The victim used to sell toys at road side and during which he would target the victims and steal mobile phones.
Accomplices who have helped in the disposing of stolen goods would be investigated in the further investigation, said police. Meanwhile Ayodhya Nagar police nabbed two miscreants who were engaged in illegal business and recovered country made liquor from a Maruti van worth `20000 near Sagar Estate Colony on Wednesday.
Acting on a tip off a car was tracked and two miscreants were nabbed who were identified as Mukesh Kumar Prajapati (43) and Vishnu Prajapati (23). The two have been booked under Excise Act and further investigation.