Terming the allegations of Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister, Jai Ram Thakur made on the Congress party regarding Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) as baseless, the Uttarakhand Congress has stated that the aim of the BJP is to incite violence in the country. The Vice President of State Congress, Surya Kant Dhasmana said that by passing the CAA in the parliament the BJP has murdered the basic soul of the constitution.
He said that by making provision of providing citizenship on the basis of religion, the Narendra Modi Government has polluted the basic identity of the constitution which does not discriminate between the people on the basis of religion, caste and creed. Dhasmana said that on one hand home minister Amit Shah is saying in parliament that NRC would follow the CAA; PM Modi is emphatically stating that no discussion has occurred on NRC and is blaming opposition for spreading confusion on NRC. The Congress leader said that the BJP leaders who are organising press conferences in all parts of the country on CAA, should clear the stand of party on NRC.
He claimed that the people of the country have understood the face of the BJP, that it can not provide employment. Dhasmana added that GDP of the country is going down and the economy is in shambles.