Mental stress is among the psychosocial factors which can contribute to cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk.
Heart rate variability (HRV), a measure of the fluctuation in time intervals between consecutive heartbeats, is an important indicator of the cardiovascular system’s response to stress and it is thought that lifestyle factors including physical activity and diet might impact HRV.
Higher HRV represents greater adaptability of the heart in response to environmental and psychological challenges, while low HRV is linked to cardiovascular disease and sudden cardiac death.
As part of a recent clinical trial, researchers at King’s College London measured HRV in participants undergoing a mental stress challenge and saw improved measures of HRV in participants who had been replacing typical snacks with almonds over a six-week period. The study was funded by the Almond Board of California. “This study shows that the simple dietary strategy of swapping almonds for typical snacks may bolster resilience to the adverse cardiovascular effects of mental stress by improving regulation of heart rate.
We found that the stress-induced reduction in heart rate variability was lessened in the almond group compared to control following the dietary intervention,
which indicates a cardiovascular health benefit," said Dr Wendy Hall, co-principal investigator together with Dr. Sarah Berry and Reader in Nutritional Sciences at King’s College London.