Fight the epidemic

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Fight the epidemic

Tuesday, 04 February 2020 | Pioneer Health

Fight the epidemic

About 10 million people die of cancer each year globally. The number of cases are expected to get doubled by 2030. Doctors tell you facts and reasons why is it on rise

On World Cancer Day, the entire world unites together in the fight against the global cancer epidemic. What should we do on this day and thereafter? We must gain knowledge about cancer and make people aware of cancer, its impact on an individual and his family and society. In order to defeat cancer there is a need for each of us in this world, to learn, plan, act and change.

In the year 2018, 180 lakh new patients were diagnosed to have cancer out of which 98 lakh passed away. Cancers continue to spread and grow through a process called metastasis wherein the malignant cells travel through lymphatic or blood vessels forming tumors in other parts of the body.

The major types of cancers are carcinoma, sarcoma, lymphoma, melanoma and leukemia. Lymphomas are cancers of lymphocytes, leukemia is the cancer of blood, sarcomas are found in bones, muscles, fat, blood vessels, cartilages or other soft connective tissues in the body whereas carcinomas can originate in the skin, lungs, pancreas, breasts, breasts as well as other glands and organs. Melanomas can arise in the cells that make the pigment in the skin.

The types of cancers in India are also undergoing transition. There is a decline of infection caused cancers in India such as cervical, and penile cancer, and an increase in lifestyle and aging associated cancers such as breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers.

The numbers of cases all over the country are expected to double by 2030.

Reasons for increase in cancer

  • Population increase
  • Increasing life span, (current life expectancy in India is 68 years)
  • Better health facilities for diagnosis
  • Increased tobacco and alcohol consumption
  • Less physical activity and over consumption of calories that results in obesity and lifestyle diseases.
  • Changing food habits: transiting from traditional to more western diet, high fiber to low fiber diet.

Common myths associated with cancer are :

  • It is infectious. Wrong, It is not infectious.
  • It is a curse. It is not, it’s a Man made disease
  • Starvation can cure cancer, no, not at all. 
  • Biopsy or surgery will spread it; chemotherapy kills the patients, and so on. Never, They don’t spread cancer.

The writer is  Dr PN Uppal, Senior Consultant, Medical Oncology, Saroj Super Specilaity Hospital, New Delhi


  • Cancer is the first or second leading cause of death in 50% of the countries and third to fifth in 15% countries and sixth to tenth in the rest. One in six deaths in the world is due to cancer.
  • About 10 million people die of cancer each year in the world.
  • Around one third of deaths from cancer are due to these five leading behavioral and dietary risks: high body mass index, low fruit and vegetable intake, lack of physical activity, tobacco use, and alcohol use.
  • Tobacco use is the most important risk factor for cancer and is responsible for approximately 22% of cancer deaths.
  • Late-stage presentation and inaccessible diagnosis and treatment are common.
  • In India, 7 lakh new patients are diagnosed each year.

Homeopathy can help

Homeopathy should be considered as an option for patients of cancer. It is safe, free of side-effects and does not interfere with the action of any other medication.

Homeopathy has a big role to play in the management of cancers. It can be beneficial as an add-on therapy to radiation or chemotherapy. In cases where the cancer is significantly advanced, homeopathic treatment can improve the quality of life and may extend survival without adding to the patients’ suffering with the side-effects that chemotherapy or radiation may bring. Elderly patients diagnosed with cancers may not be fit to receive aggressive chemotherapy. These patients may also opt for homeopathic management of their illness, since there may be a high likelihood that chemotherapy itself could shorten their lifespan.

Homeopathic medicines act in a gentle manner causing no discomfort to the patient, while the patient is at home and can spend time with friends and family. A combination of these factors vastly improves the quality of life and may also prolong the life of the patient.

Common side effects of the management of cancer whether through chemotherapy, surgery, radiation or a combination of these means, are also effectively managed with homeopathic medicines. Severe appetite loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, peripheral neuropathy are just some examples of side-effects which respond well to homeopathic medicines. Low white blood cell count during chemotherapy can lead to life-threatening infections.

Homeopathic medicines can help reduce the chances of contracting infections in this immune-compromised state and help in recovering from them. Non-healing sites of cancer surgery also respond well to homeopathic treatment.

The writer is Dr Kushal Banerjee from Dr Kalyan Banerjee’s Clinic

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