Reliance Industries on Friday announced the sale of 1.85 per cent stake in its digital unit to Abu Dhabi-based sovereign investor Mubadala for Rs 9,093.60 crore, the sixth deal in as many weeks that will inject a combined Rs 87,655.35 crore in the oil-to-telecom conglomerate to help it pare debt.
“Mubadala Investment Company (Mubadala), will invest Rs 9,093.60 crore in Jio Platforms at an equity value of Rs 4.91 lakh crore and an enterprise value of Rs 5.16 lakh crore,” the company said in a statement. With this investment, Jio Platforms has raised Rs 87,655.35 crore from leading global technology and growth investors including Facebook, Silver Lake, Vista Equity Partners, General Atlantic, KKR and Mubadala in less than six weeks.
Facebook picked up 9.99 per cent stake in the firm that houses India’s youngest but largest telecom firm on April 22 for Rs 43,574 crore. Within days of that deal, Silver Lake — the world’s largest tech investor — bought a 1.15 per cent stake in Jio Platforms for Rs 5,665.75 crore.
On May 8, US-based Vista Equity Partners bought 2.32 per cent stake in Jio Platforms for Rs 11,367 crore. On May 17, global equity firm General Atlantic picked up 1.34 per cent stake in Jio Platforms for Rs 6,598.38 crore.
This was followed by US private equity giant KKR buying 2.32 per cent for Rs 11,367 crore. Jio Platforms, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Reliance Industries Ltd, is a next-generation technology company. Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd, with 388 million mobile subscribers, will continue to be a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jio Platforms.
Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director of Reliance Industries, said Mubadala is one of the most astute and transformational global growth investors.
“Through my longstanding ties with Abu Dhabi, I have personally seen the impact of Mubadala’s work in diversifying and globally connecting the UAE’s knowledge-based economy.
We look forward to benefitting from Mubadala’s experience and insights from supporting growth journeys across the world,” he said.
Khaldoon Al Mubarak, Managing Director and Group CEO, Mubadala Investment Company, said: “We are committed to investing in, and actively working with, high growth companies which are pioneering technologies to address critical challenges and unlock new opportunities.”