Private sector lender IndusInd Bank on Friday said it has launched its wealth management platform Pioneer Banking, which caters to high net-worth customers.
"Induslnd Bank announced the launch of 'PIONEER' Banking, its wealth management platform," the private sector lender said in a BSE filing.
Based on research-based capabilities of the bank, the new service merges wealth management solutions with an array of personal and commercial banking products.
"Through this offering, we are bringing together superior privileges and lifestyle benefits, along with a wide array of curated banking products that suit the requirements of our valued customers....The PIONEER programme ...Aims to restore the lost art of wealth management," Induslnd Bank Managing Director & CEO Romesh Sobti said.
With no charges on non-maintenance of minimum balance, customers can enjoy the benefits of their Pioneer accounts without any worries, the bank informed.
"This new proposition will cater to the distinct and advanced wealth needs of our HNI client segment," Induslnd Bank Head - Consumer Banking Sumant Kathpalia said.