Brahmananda Narayana Multispeciality Hospital ( BNMH) successfully performed IDEM Spinal Tumor operation on Bharat Lohar, 19 years male, and resident of Chota Gamharia, Bhojpur colony, Near KPS, Gamharia. He was admitted with complaints of inability to move lower limbs.
Surgery was planned and successfully executed. IDEM tumor was removed by Dr. Rajiv Maharshi( Neuro & Spine Surgeon) and team of Doctors Dr. Umesh Prasad (HOD, Anesthesia), Dr. Ramanuj Lal (Anesthesia specialist).
The spinal tumor was large extending from D12 vertebrae to L2 vertebrae & was 6cm x 3cm in size. The removed tumor was sent for histopathological examination. Patient was discharged four days after the surgery in stable condition. In post operative visit, power of the lower limbs has improved and patient was able to move his lower limbs. Dr. Maharshi advised the patient will be able to walk with continued physiotherapy in due course of time.
Dr. Maharshi said that “This type of tumors are located inside the dura & compress the spinal cord causing neurological deficit. Most common IDEM is Myxopapillary ependymomas, Meningioma Schwanomas which if removed early will reverse the neurological deficit. Hence IDEM spinal tumors are completely curable.