Bollywood actor Ajaz Khan has been arrested by the Anti-Narcotics Cell of Navi Mumbai Police for alleged possession of banned drugs here.
He was arrested late Monday night, officials said here on Tuesday.
The controversial actor was arrested from a hotel room in Belapur with eight tablets of the prohibited 'ecstasy' tablets, which are popular in rave parties.
Ajaz, a former "Bigg Boss" contestant, will be produced before a court on Tuesday, said an official.
This is not Ajaz's first brush with the law.
Two years ago, he was arrested and released on bail on charges of sending obscene pictures and lewd messages to a beautician who had offered him a business project proposal.
Actor Ajaz Khan nabbed for possessing drugs
Tuesday, 23 October 2018 | IANS
| Mumbai
Actor Ajaz Khan nabbed for possessing drugs
Tuesday, 23 October 2018 | IANS | Mumbai