The Little Things of Life

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The Little Things of Life

Saturday, 22 December 2018 | JASKIRAN CHOPRA

We often hear or read that happiness lies in small things of life, things we may not attach much importance to. I have understood that we should not keep waiting for big happenings to make us happy. Every day of our lives brings several things and moments which give us immense joy, only if we are ready to recognise them and enjoy them to the fullest. That is indeed an art that has to be refined by each one of us.

The usual attitude of people is to keep waiting for big event or great achievement in life which will finally make their life worth living. This is fine. However, while we keep striving to make these important things happen, we must carry on looking for those things and times that come to us almost every day. We must not underestimate their potential to provide us with a feeling of contentment.

For each one of us, these small things may be different ones. Sometimes, many of them can be common among some people. Certain basic things like basking in the winter sun, soaking in all its warmth leisurely, enjoying a steaming cup of coffee with a friend or family, playing with a baby or infant, going for a long drive on a summer evening, feeding sparrows and pigeons with grains and watching them nibbling at them, observing the antics of a puppy, looking at the mountains and the bright blue skies, eating your favourite dish, reading your favourite book along with a cup of well-made tea, taking a small nap on a busy day …the list is endless. And this is a wonderful thing. It lets us know that there are innumerable, infinite little things that are just waiting for us to indulge in them to find exquisite moments of joy in our sometimes mundane and routine lives.

I have always believed in the significance of everyday happenings in making life happy and enjoyable. From my early morning cup of tea begins this series of little stuff that becomes big stuff in my life. The sparrows arrive in time each morning to feed on the bread crumbs I spread for them on the flat railing of the balcony.

Listening to my favourite songs from old Hindi films everyday makes me truly joyful as I have a deep emotional connection with these timeless melodies many of which take me back to my school and college days.

Each one of these songs is precious to me and I cannot find words to express what place they have in my life. I can easily say that these songs, since my childhood, have been my closest friends. Each time I hear them, I find new meaning and depth in them. I can never get tired of listening to them. The joy they have given me and will always give me is indeed immeasurable!

The same can be said about the role tea plays in my life. Each cup of tea brings me happiness throughout the day. If I have tea, a good book and some solitude, I cannot think of any greater achievement or happiness. I consider myself lucky that these things that make life worth living for me are so easily within my reach.

Thank God for these little things of life which are not really little. Looking at and listening to the falling rain is another seemingly common thing that has given me countless happy moments since childhood. The scent of the earth when rain falls adds to this feeling of happiness.

Suddenly meeting an old friend again, watching a classic film on TV, looking through books at my favourite bookshop, walking through the old bazaar in town, singing to myself while driving, watching my students enjoying my lecture, finding a beautiful pair of earrings at a little corner shop out of the blue, seeing the sunset from my window, eating ice cream in winters ….I can go on and on, telling you what all keeps me happy.

However, what I wish to emphasise is that even though these small things make us happy, we sometimes do not recognise this happiness enough.

Focusing on such moments will help us realise their beauty and cherish them each day. We will not have to learn the art of happiness from anyone else. The treasure will be ours forever, always, everywhere.

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