Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal has dedicated the logo of Animal Husbandry and Dairying Department, to the people of the state.
The logo comprises of cow, buffalo, dog, milking machine, A.I. Container and bottle, and packet of milk, said a spokesman of the Department.
He said that cow and buffalo indicates the best quality of milch animals whereas milking machine, A.I. container indicates the modern techniques of dairy farming. Similarly, the dog indicates the conscientiousness and green leaves indicates the prosperity of the state.
He said that there are 89.20 lakh livestock in the state, of which 18.08 lakh are cows, 60.85 lakh buffaloes, 3.36 lakh sheep, 3.69 lakh goats, 1.27 lakh pigs, 37,000 horses and pony, 19,000 camels, 3,000 ass, 9,000 mules, besides 4.28 million poultry.
During the year 2017-18, about 89 lakh tonnes milk was produced in the state. The per capita milk productivity in Haryana is 1,057 ml per day which is second highest in the country. With 55,855 lakh (5.87 percent) egg production, the state of Haryana is at the sixth place in the country, he said.
The spokesman said that the state has six polyclinics, 1,018 government veterinary hospitals, 1,814 government veterinary dispensaries, ten semen banks and three semen production centres. At present, 953 veterinary doctors and 2,540 VLDA are working for veterinary care.
In order to increase milk production, increasing the number of animals of high quality and nurturing them properly is very important. Artificial insemination is done which leads to improving the genetic quality of animals and increasing the milk production, he added.