The Department of Hepatology at PGIMER, Chandigarh on Friday launched an ‘Online Appointment’ service to streamline the follow-up process for patients attending its Liver Clinic. This initiative is aimed to alleviate waiting period and enhance overall patient experience, said Vivek Lal, Director PGIMER. The inaugural session witnessed participation from over 500 patients.
In a statement, PGIMER officials said that for years, the Liver Clinic has serviced approximately 1,000 patients weekly, primarily those suffering from Chronic Liver Disease (CLD), many of whom have been dependent on traditional walk-in registrations. The long queues and uncertainty regarding daily patient volume have posed challenges for both patients and medical staff.
To address these concerns, the Department of Hepatology has repurposed two dedicated rooms within the clinic—one for scheduling ‘Online Appointments’ and the other for prioritizing follow-up examinations. Notably, patients will now receive assistance from dedicated staff equipped with laptops to facilitate smooth and efficient scheduling.
Ajay Duseja, Head,Department of Hepatology, PGIMER said, “ This new service is a game changer for our patients. It empowers them to manage their appointments proactively, which is crucial for those managing chronic conditions like liver disease. We believe this will greatly enhance their overall care experience.”
“By piloting this service for 30 patients in each Liver Clinic, we are setting a foundation for expansion,” Dr Duseja said. He further said, “As more individuals embrace this facility, we will gradually increase the capacity and the number of dedicated examination rooms.”