Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, on Sunday, hailed former chief minister and governor Kalyan Singh as a distinguished son of Mother India, a dedicated patriot and a devout follower of Bhagwan Ram. Chief Minister Yogi paid floral tributes to Kalyan Singh’s portrait on his birth anniversary at a programme held at Mall Avenue here on Sunday.
“Born on this day in 1932 in a humble farmer’s family in a small village in Aligarh, Kalyan Singhji grew up witnessing the nation’s freedom struggle. These formative experiences instilled in him a deep sense of patriotism and a vision for India’s future. As a young boy, he embraced these values through his association with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), shaping his unwavering dedication to the nation,” Yogi said.
“Kalyan Singhji’s remarkable journey took him from farming and teaching to holding pivotal roles such as health minister of Uttar Pradesh in 1977, MLA, MP, twice chief minister of the state, and governor of two states. Throughout his illustrious career, his efficiency, dedication and administrative acumen earned him universal respect and admiration,” the chief minister added.
Chief Minister Yogi highlighted that in honor of Kalyan Singh’s legacy, the state government has named the state-of-the-art Cancer Institute in Lucknow and the medical college in Bulandshahr after the revered leader.
The chief minister emphasised that, unlike many who compromise their principles for power, Kalyan Singh stood steadfast in his values and ethics. He recalled his contributions during the Ram Janmabhoomi movement and his visionary efforts in the 1990s to redefine Uttar Pradesh’s politics and elevate administrative efficiency that continue to inspire the idea of a progressive and reformed Uttar Pradesh.
Chief Minister Yogi remarked that while India gained Independence in 1947, the people of Uttar Pradesh felt the essence of freedom when Kalyan Singh assumed office as chief minister and led the state with a transformative vision.
He added, “Despite facing relentless efforts to destabilise his leadership, Kalyan Singhji made the ultimate sacrifice by relinquishing power for the construction of Shri Ram temple. His unwavering resolve and foresight have become a reality. As the grand temple at Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya nears completion, his soul must be at peace, witnessing the fulfillment of his dream.”
The chief minister highlighted that Kalyan Singh brought to life the philosophy of integral humanism envisioned by Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya, which he imbibed during his formative years in the RSS. His initiatives, including farmer-centric schemes and a pioneering campaign to ensure copying-free examinations for UP’s youth, remain exemplary and continue to inspire, Yogi added.
Recalling Kalyan Singh’s demise on August 21, 2021, the chief minister noted that while he is no longer present in physical form, his ideals and guidance remain a beacon for governance and administration. “Whenever we talk about integrity and governance in Uttar Pradesh, the name of Kalyan Singhji is remembered with respect and reverence by every state resident,” the chief minister stated.
He added, “The reforms and campaigns initiated under his leadership have significantly impacted the lives of ordinary citizens, paving the way for good governance and a stronger Uttar Pradesh.”
The chief minister urged everyone to collectively strive for the vision of a New Uttar Pradesh for which Kalyan Singh dedicated his life. He emphasised that nationalism and good governance are essential for Uttar Pradesh to play a pivotal role in shaping a New India.
Chief Minister Yogi also reflected on Kalyan Singh’s humble beginnings as a student in a basic education school and later as a teacher. “Today, his legacy lives on as his grandson, as the basic education minister, charts a new course for education in the state. This is the result of the dedication and values passed down by our ancestors,” he stated.
The chief minister reaffirmed that with exemplary efforts, it is possible to realise Kalyan Singh’s vision of a secure, prosperous Uttar Pradesh, bringing progress and well-being to its 25 crore citizens.
On this occasion, Bharatiya Janata Party state president Chaudhary Bhupendra Singh, Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak, Union Minister BL Verma, Cabinet Minister Swatantra Dev Singh, MP Sakshi Maharaj, Minister of State for Basic Education (Independent Charge) Sandeep Singh were present.