On receiving information about the injury of Baghmara Sub-Divisional Police Officer Purushottam Kumar Singh, posted on duty, during a violent clash between two groups in Madhuban police station area of Dhanbad district, Chief Minister Hemant Soren spoke to his father Ashok Singh through a video call on WhatsApp and took complete information related to his treatment and wished him a speedy recovery.
The Chief Minister said that the state government stands with the family with full sensitivity regarding this incident. The state government will provide whatever support is needed for his treatment. If needed, the government is ready to airlift him to a better place. The government will also talk to the hospital management. The CM said that the state government is committed to the safety of officers and employees of any category. Any kind of incident that obstructs government work and happens with government employees during the discharge of duty will not be tolerated. Strict action will be taken against whoever is found guilty in this.
The CM said that orders have been given for investigation into this violent clash that took place in the Madhuban police station area of Baghmara. Strict action will be taken against whoever is found guilty in this incident.