Preparations are in full swing in Ayodhya to celebrate the first anniversary of Ram Lalla’s Pran Pratishtha at the grand Ram Mandir. The Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Tirtha Kshetra Trust, in collaboration with the district administration, is organising a three-day celebration from January 11 to 13, 2025. The festivities will begin with Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath performing the sacred Abhishek of Ram Lalla on January 11.
Ram Lalla will be adorned in a specially crafted Pitambari outfit woven with gold and silver threads, symbolizing divine splendor. This outfit, crafted in Delhi, will arrive in Ayodhya on January 10 and will be used during the Abhishek. Devotees will have the opportunity to witness the sacred darshan.
The highlight of the celebrations will be Ram Lalla’s Maha Aarti at 12:20 PM on January 11. Cultural performances, devotional rituals, and Ram Katha discourses will follow. Champat Rai, General Secretary of the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Tirtha Kshetra Trust, stated that the event is a special opportunity for those who missed last year’s consecration ceremony to participate. “We have made extensive arrangements to welcome saints, dignitaries, and devotees from across India. The public is invited to be part of these historic celebrations,” he said.
The Shri Ram Mandir Trust has confirmed the presence of 110 VIPs and thousands of devotees. Invitations have been extended to prominent saints and spiritual leaders from across the country. Public events at Angad Tila will continue throughout the three days, offering everyone a chance to participate in the celebrations.
Why the anniversary is on January 11
While the original Pran Pratishtha ceremony took place on January 22, 2024, this year’s anniversary is being observed on January 11, 2025. The shift aligns with Hindu Vedic traditions, which follow the lunar calendar. According to the traditional calendar, Paush Shukla Dwadashi-the same auspicious day as the original consecration-falls on January 11 this year.
This year’s celebration is significant, as it coincides with ten auspicious yogas. It is believed that worshipping Lord Rama on this day fulfills devotees’ deepest desires. The day offers a rare spiritual opportunity, as devotees can perform puja and seek blessings from Lord Ram Lalla.