In a remarkable step toward nurturing environmental awareness and inspiring future leaders, Tata Steel UISL, alongside Potli Productions and The Hyphen, unveiled a student-authored book, Swachhta Samvaad. This pioneering initiative, part of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, features creative contributions from 43 students across 25 schools in Jamshedpur.
The book launch was officiated by Krishna Kumar, Deputy Municipal Commissioner, and Rabindra Kumar Singh, General Manager (Town O&EM), Tata Steel UISL, who praised the efforts of over 3,000 students who participated in the project. The event celebrated the young authors' commitment to promoting cleanliness and sustainability.
The journey began with a district-wide essay competition inviting students to explore cleanliness issues and propose innovative solutions. From this, 43 standout students were chosen to attend a creative writing workshop led by Deepali Raina, Founder of Potli Productions. The workshop focused on enhancing storytelling and communication skills, enabling students to craft engaging narratives now featured in the book.
Swachhta Samvaad captures the voices of Jamshedpur’s youth, blending personal insights, challenges, and visionary ideas for a cleaner, greener future. The book serves as a testament to the power of youth engagement in environmental advocacy and education.
“This initiative demonstrates the transformative potential of empowering young minds,” remarked Rabindra Kumar Singh. Krishna Kumar added, “The creativity and passion in this book reflect the bright future of our city’s commitment to the Swachh Bharat mission.”