Wife’s killer gets lifer

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Wife’s killer gets lifer

Friday, 26 July 2024 | PNS | Bhopal

The man who killed his wife in Ashoka Garden on September 23, 2021 was sentenced to life imprisonment by Pallavi Dwivedi, 10th Additional Sessions Judge and Special Judge on Wednesday.

A fine of Rs 1000 has also been ordered against the accused. Special Public Prosecutor Vandana Parte had pleaded on behalf of the government in this case.

On September 23, 2021,  Sangeeta informed the Ashoka Garden police station that she is a resident of Geeta Nagar Kolua. The accused Chandan Singh lives in her neighborhood with his wife and daughters. After hearing the screams from Chandan's house, she reached his house. Where he saw his wife Priyanka Singh lying unconscious on the bed.

The woman was bleeding profusely and there were marks of injuries on her body. Her four daughters were sitting and crying.

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