Anti-Naxal jungle exercise "Abhyas- Thunderbolt" by the National Security Guard (NSG) was conducted in Ranchi from November 27 to November 30. The exercise was conducted in various Naxal-affected sensitive areas on the outskirts of Ranchi including the outskirts of Ranchi.
The exercise simulated various scenarios incorporating the latest modus operandi being adopted by the Naxalites, aimed at providing a realistic experience to the responders.
The main objective of the exercise was to anticipate potential Naxal threats and rehearse the procedures required to activate an integrated robust security grid in key Naxal-affected areas. The exercise involved Jharkhand Police's anti-Naxal special force Jharkhand Jaguars, anti-terrorist squad and central security forces as first responders, while the NSG acted as the final response force.
The exercise underlined the importance of interoperability in anti-Naxal operations among various agencies for quick emergency responses. The main objectives of the exercise were anti-naxal operations, hostage rescue, Improvised Explosive Device (IED) detection and jungle specific planning and execution of operations.
The NSG emphasised that these exercises not only enhance preparedness but also enable responders to make quicker and more informed decisions during crises. Prior to the exercise, a display of weapons and equipment used by the NSG in conducting anti-naxal jungle operations was also held at the SP (ATS) office.
The exercise provided a unique opportunity to share and practise various best practices being adopted by the NSG, Jharkhand Jaguars and Anti-Terrorist Squad. The exercise is expected to enhance the capacity of the NSG and local administration to respond more effectively to emergencies initiated by naxalites and protect the public during times of crisis.