According to the election schedule of Lok Sabha Elections-2024, the nomination papers received in 8 Lok Sabha parliamentary constituencies for the fourth phase were scrutinized on Friday. During scrutiny, nomination papers of 90 candidates were found valid. Nomination papers of a total of 11 candidates were rejected after scrutiny as they were not in accordance with the law.
Chief Electoral Officer Shri Anupam Rajan has informed that in the fourth phase, after scrutiny nomination papers of 9 candidates were found valid in Lok Sabha parliamentary constituency number-21 Dewas (SC), 9 candidates in number-22 Ujjain (SC), 8 candidates in number-23 Mandsaur, 13 candidate in number-24 Ratlam (ST), 8 candidates in number 25 Dhar (ST), 23 candidates in number 26 Indore, 6 candidates in number 27 Khargone (ST) and nominations of 14 candidates were found valid in number 28 Khandwa. After scrutiny on Friday, nominations of two candidates each in Lok Sabha Parliamentary Constituency No. 22 Ujjain (SC), No. 23 Mandsaur, No. 24 Ratlam (ST) and No. 25 Dhar (ST) and 3 candidates in No. 26 Indore were rejected due to not being as per law.
Chief Electoral Officer Shri Rajan said that the affidavits and other information of the candidates who have filed nomination papers can be seen on the website of Election Commission of India, link