Delhi Police have arrested a 27-year-old man who robbed Rs 5.5 lakh from a house in north-west Delhi, an official said on Sunday. The incident took place in Bharat Nagar area when the accused had stolen cash and valuables meant for a wedding, which got cancelled due to the theft.
Arun, is a habitual offender and he was arrested from Wazirpur area, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Northwest) Abhishek Dhania said.
He had stolen cash and valuables meant for a wedding, which got cancelled due to the theft, the DCP said.
The case came to light on November 26 when the complainant, who runs a nursery, reported the theft. He had saved Rs 5.5 lakh and purchased clothing for his sister's wedding in Uttar Pradesh, the officer said.
The theft took place around 4.30 am when the complainant left his bag unattended while taking a bath, Dhania said.
An FIR was registered at Bharat Nagar police station and an investigation was launched in the matter, the police said.
Police team analysed CCTV footage and conducted raids across the city. Based on a tip-off, the team arrested Arun, who confessed to the crime during interrogation, they said.
Police recovered most of the stolen property, including cash and personal documents of the complainant, the DCP said.
Investigations revealed that Arun is a habitual offender with 11 prior cases of robbery and theft against him. He admitted to committing the crime to fund his addiction of drugs and alcohol, the officer said.