Expedite procurement of medical machinery, equipment for state health institutions: Minister to officials

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Expedite procurement of medical machinery, equipment for state health institutions: Minister to officials

Friday, 12 July 2024 | PNS | Shimla

In a decisive move to enhance healthcare delivery across Himachal Pradesh, the state’s Health and Family Welfare Minister Dr (Col) Dhani Ram Shandil on Thursday directed the health department officials to expedite the procurement process for medical machinery and equipment. Chairing a Special High Power Purchase Committee meeting, Dr Shandil emphasized the need for prompt action to ensure quality healthcare reaches people at their doorsteps.


Dr Shandil highlighted the importance of adhering to technical specifications similar to those used by premier institutions like AIIMS and PGI. “This approach will ensure the quality of purchases and save both time and money during the procurement process,” he stated.


One of the key decisions made at the meeting was the approval to float tenders for procuring ‘Baby Care Kits’ for mothers of newborns. Each kit, estimated to cost approximately Rs 1500, is part of a larger initiative to support around one lakh institutional deliveries expected annually. The state government has allocated a budget of Rs 10 crore for this project.


The Baby Care Kit will include 20 essential items, featuring eight new additions such as a digital thermometer, nail cutter, cap, soft bristle hair brush, bib, wash cloth for the baby, and sanitary napkins for the mother. Other items in the kit will include a one-piece slip-on outfit for the baby, baby vests (two pieces), baby mittens and booties, baby massage oil, baby towel, baby cloth nappies, hand sanitizer, mosquito net, mink blanket, rattle toy, muslin/flannel squares (two pieces), toothbrush, toothpaste, bathing soap, and Vaseline for the mother.


Later in the day, Dr Shandil also chaired the third board meeting of the Himachal Pradesh Medical Services Corporation (HPMSCL), where various demands and requirements of the corporation were approved, including procurement of machinery for various institutions, testing vehicles, and furniture for hospitals.

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