In preparation for the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections of 2024, a crucial meeting was convened at the Collectorate Auditorium, Jamshedpur, under the directives of District Election Officer Ananya Mittal. The meeting, chaired by Project Director ITDA Deepakan Chaudhary and ADM Law and Order Ananth Kumar, aimed to apprise representatives of national and regional political parties about the imperative need to adhere to the Model Code of Conduct during the electoral process.
Emphasizing the sanctity of fair electoral practices, attendees were sternly instructed that candidates and political entities must refrain from violating the Model Code of Conduct. It was unequivocally conveyed that election campaign materials should not be displayed on government or private buildings without prior permission, with stringent action threatened under the Defacement of Property Act in case of non-compliance. The activation of the Model Code of Conduct with the election announcement necessitates strict adherence from all parties and candidates, with explicit directives against making statements that could incite personal, caste, religious, or familial sentiments.
Deepakan Chaudhary highlighted the Election Commission's initiative, the C-Vigil mobile app, designed for citizens and candidates to report violations of the election code of conduct. Assurances were given that action would be promptly taken within 100 minutes upon receipt of such reports. Additionally, a toll-free number, 1950, has been established to facilitate the lodging of complaints or provision of information by voters.
The meeting underscored the requirement for prior administrative approval for the use of vehicles, organizing rallies or processions, and the operation of loudspeakers during the election period. Political parties were urged to seek clearance from the MCMC cell for the dissemination of banners, posters, and other promotional materials, as well as media publications. While social programs were permitted, adherence to the guidelines of the Model Code of Conduct was mandated. Any planned rallies, processions, or election meetings necessitate prior authorization from the authorities.
Furthermore, strict financial transparency was emphasized, with all expenditure incurred on publicity mandated to be submitted to the Expenditure Accounts Treasury. Prohibition was placed on negative publicity and the dissemination of materials lacking proper attribution to the press. Attendees were briefed on additional guidelines essential for conducting the Lok Sabha elections of 2024 in a free, fair, and peaceful manner, with uncompromising compliance with the Model Code of Conduct.
The meeting was attended by esteemed officials including the Special Divisional Officer, LRDC Ghatsila, District Welfare Officer, District Informatics Officer, SDM Dhalbhum, SDM Ghatsila, CO Dhalbhumgarh, BDO Patmada, and other relevant stakeholders, reflecting the collective commitment to upholding the integrity of the electoral process.