The Election Commission has reminded the Delhi Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) P Krishnamurthy to take action against anonymous political hoardings in the national capital on Tuesday amid the poll authority receiving complaints, including those by the Congress.
In a letter to the CEO of Delhi, the EC said, “We have been receiving representations from various stakeholders, including political parties, regarding anonymous election hoardings at authorised and unauthorised sites in the national capital.”
Anonymous political or election hoardings or advertisements are those which do not bear on their face the names and addresses of the printer and the publisher, which is a violation of the electoral laws and the provisions of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC). Section 127A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, unequivocally prohibits the printing or publishing of election pamphlets, posters, placards, or banners without prominently displaying the name and address of the printer and publisher.