Lightweight tractor developed for small scale farmers

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Lightweight tractor developed for small scale farmers

Saturday, 29 June 2024 | Archana Jyoti | New Delhi

Lightweight tractor developed for small scale farmers

A lightweight frame weighing just 450kg tractor having compact 9 HP diesel has been developed by CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-CMERI), specifically for small-scale farmers who have been mostly relying on bullock-driven carts or high-powered costly tractors for the cultivation.

This tractor boasts practical front and rear wheel sizes, a manageable wheelbase, ground clearance, and turning radius, making it easy to maneuver in small farm plots. Currently, over 80 per cent of cultivators in the country fall into these categories, many of whom still rely on bullock-driven farming due to the cost and operational challenges associated with existing options like power tillers and traditional tractors.

“The introduction of this technology aims to significantly enhance farming efficiency, allowing tasks that traditionally took days with bullock carts to be completed in mere hours. Moreover, it reduces the capital investment and maintenance costs burdening small farmers,” said an official from the DST under the Union Ministry of Science and Technology.

He explained, “a large number of framers still depend on bullock driven farming in which operational costs, maintenance costs and poor returns pose a challenge. Though power tillers are replacing bullock driven plough, they are cumbersome to operate. Tractors on the other hand are unsuitable for small farmers and unaffordable for most small farmers.”

The indigenous technology was demonstrated in nearby villages and to various manufacturers. Recognizing its potential impact, a Ranchi-based MSME has expressed its keenness to establish a manufacturing plant for mass production of these tractors. “Their goal is to supply these affordable machines to farmers through state government tenders, ensuring accessibility through subsidised rates. This initiative not only promises to improve agricultural outcomes but also supports local economies by promoting manufacturing and job creation within the region,” said the official.

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