In an effort to make the villages of Uttar Pradesh clean and beautiful, the Yogi Adityanath government will now impart training to gram pradhans, block motivators, panchayat assistants and cleaning staff. A total of 21 training centres will be set up across the state and 83,000 people will be trained in different sessions.
As per the instructions of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, preparations are underway to take appropriate steps regarding the management of solid and liquid waste in all the villages of the state and to train the gram panchayat officials for this.
In the second phase of the Swachh Bharat Mission (Rural), more than 25,000 gram panchayats of the state have been included for the financial year 2023-24. The training of master trainers has been completed recently.
Additional Chief Secretary, Panchayati Raj, Manoj Kumar said that as many as 25,145 gram panchayats have been included for the financial year 2023-24 in the second phase of Swachh Bharat Mission (Rural). Under this, a target has been set for 43,242 revenue villages.
“Several campaigns will be launched to manage solid and liquid waste, in addition to maintaining the achievements made in these villages during the first phase of the mission,” Kumar said.
In this sequence, training will be provided to about 83,000 people like village heads, block motivators, and panchayat assistants, who will actually work in the villages.
Training to these 83,000 people will be imparted at 20 District Panchayat Resource Centres (DPRCs) apart from the PRIT office in Lucknow.
“Six master trainers have been deployed at each training centre to provide training to gram pradhans, panchayat assistants, and motivators. A total of 126 master trainers have been deployed across the state. All these master trainers have recently received training at the Directorate of Panchayati Raj,” Kumar said.
He said that a number of villages prior to fiscal year 2022–23 have been targeted for the ODF Plus model more than seven times. Activities like management of solid and liquid waste, management of plastic waste and faecal sludge, construction of bio-gas units under the Gobardhan project and construction of individual toilets are to be conducted in these villages.
He said that the gram panchayat would work on this by making a strategy so that targets could be achieved within the stipulated time.