In a horrific instance of animal cruelty in the nation’s capital, a group of people in central Delhi’s Karol Bagh area beat a stray dog to death. A disturbing video of the incident which happened on Sunday also surfaced on social media, which shows unidentified individuals attacking the dog with sticks. The case was registered after a social worker for animal welfare lodged a complaint with the Karol Bagh police station. Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) chief Swati Maliwal has condemned the incident and demanded strict action against the perpetrators. A senior official stated that an enquiry uncovered that the dog had previously attacked and bitten multiple local residents.
According to police, the matter came to light after an animal rights activist filed a complaint with the Karol Bagh Police Station. A senior police officer said that during the enquiry, it was revealed that the dog had attacked and bitten several residents of the area in the past.
“A case has been registered at Karol Bagh Police Station under sections 428 (mischief by killing or maiming animal of the value of ten rupees) and 34 (acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention) of the Indian Penal Code and sections of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,” said Sanjay Sain, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Central).
Expressing her anguish, DCW chief condemned the incident, demanding stringent action against the perpetrators. “In Delhi’s Karol Bagh area, a voiceless animal was mercilessly beaten to death with sticks. My heart broke when I saw this video. Who is human, who is an animal? @DelhiPolice strict action should be taken against these brutal people,” Maliwal said in a tweet in Hindi. The investigation is underway and the accused have been identified and efforts are on to nab them, police said.