: A railway passenger travelling with his family was fined Rs 1,000 by TTI for stating the wrong age in the ticket, but there is no provision in the Indian Railways Act to impose a penalty on a passenger due to wrong age in the ticket.
According to the details of the incident, Pradeep Kumar Mohapatra, a lawyer from Talipada under Ward No. 4 of Bargarh along with 5 other family members had booked an advance ticket on December 15, 2016 to go to Chennai in Tata-Alleppey Express on January 24, 2017. His age was mentioned in the ticket as 48 instead of 54. Then a TTI namely SVBSV Ganesh penalized Rs 1,000 to Mahapatra for wrong mentioning of age near Visakhapatnam station. The TTI did not hear any plea when Mohapatra objected to him.
Later, Mohapatra took the shelter of the Bargarh Consumer Forum, claiming that the East Coast Railway had defamed him and subjected him to mental torture. The Consumer Forum heard the case and directed the Railway Department to refund Rs 1,000 with 9% interest since January 24, 2017 to Mohapatra and pay Rs 50,000 for mental torture and harassment and Rs 10,000 as legal expenses within one month. The Forum ordered the Railways to pay an annual rate of 12 percent if the compensation amount is not paid within 1 month.
Lawyers Sharat Kumar Pradhan, Tunaj Chandra Tripathy, Saroj Jena, Manas Bhoi and Kishor Dafadar were leading the case on behalf of the petitioner.
Rlys penalised for harassment to B’garh man
Thursday, 11 May 2023 | ASUTOSH RATHA
Rlys penalised for harassment to B’garh man
Thursday, 11 May 2023 | ASUTOSH RATHA | BARGARH