After the alleged obscene video of Jharkhand Health Minister Banna Gupta went viral, senior BJP leader and MLA CP Singh lodged a complaint with the police station and said that he too has received obscene video calls. BJP’s Ranchi MLA Singh today knocked the Jharkhand police door demanding probe into the late-night video call by a lady in ‘objectionable position’. The woman who had made the whatsapp call is unknown to Singh.
Singh who is six term MLA from Ranchi in his complaint states that his two mobile bearing numbers 943117001 and 7004121404 remain switched on round the clock as a public representative he has to attend all known and unknown calls. On the intervening night of April 24 and 25 at around 1.15 am an unknown lady called him.
Singh claimed that the lady started talking porn as he received her video call at the time when he was going to bed after attending social functions at different places and watching news. Singh, who is approaching 70, said the lady was technically so sound to make such a call that it was difficult to disconnect her using the telephone system and he had to switch off his phone to get her call disconnected. The MLA said that the call worried him in such a way that he had to mute his phone to sleep.
When the phone started disconnecting, it was seen that the woman was in an objectionable condition. When there was a problem in disconnecting the phone, the mobile was switched off. Turned it on after a while and muted it and started sleeping. He said in the press conference, I get calls from many types of people. Once a lunatic harassed me on the phone. He was arrested from Gujarat after my complaint. Similarly, once a Maoist called me. My phone number is public. Anyone calls but I save this type of number so that I don't call again by mistake. I have also saved this girl's number as Dirty Girl.
Recently, an obscene video clip of a purported video conversation between Jharkhand’s health minister Banna Gupta and a woman has gone viral; with the BJP demanding the resignation of Gupta who claimed the video was fake. The 21-second obscene video catches Gupta on camera along with the voice of a woman.
However, the woman on Tuesday said that her photo and video have been edited and used in the clip. The woman leader of NSUI in Ranchi has alleged that her photo and video have been edited and used in a fake manner in the clip. The woman also posted a video message and said that she has neither met Health Minister Banna Gupta nor knows him.