AAP convener and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday launched his personal WhatsApp channel and referred to Shah Rukh Khan starrer ‘Jawan’ to request people to come together and make India the number one country. The Delhi CMO WhatsApp channel went live earlier this week and has garnered over 51,000 followers so far.
In a post on social media site X, Kejriwal shared the link to his personal WhatsApp channel and said, “Excited to connect with you all through my WhatsApp channel. Let’s work together to make India shine as the number one country in the world.”
This WhatsApp channel has been created to provide an opportunity to the people to directly stay connected with Kejriwal, the AAP said in a statement.
Referring to the movie ‘Jawan’, Kejriwal appealed to the people to unite to make the country number one in the world, saying it was India’s right to achieve that goal.
“Jawan is a very good film in which Shah Rukh Khan says that if someone comes asking for your vote, don’t vote based on caste or religion. Instead, ask them if they will provide good education for your children and ensure good healthcare if your family falls ill,” Kejriwal said.
Even 75 years after Independence, it is only the AAP which confidently says, ‘Give us your vote because
we will provide quality education to your children’,” he asserted.
The Delhi chief minister said his government built “excellent” schools in the city and his Punjab counterpart Bhagwant Mann was bringing about an “education revolution” in the AAP-ruled Punjab.