Chief Minister Hemant Soren on Friday inaugurated the three-day “Child Artist Exhibition” at Audrey House. On the occasion, Chief Minister observed the artefacts including paintings made on the theme of “Earning for Learning” by the children of various schools including Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya of 24 districts of the state. The Chief Minister was very impressed with the paintings done on canvas by the children. While the Chief Minister appreciated the artwork created by the child artists, the children looked very excited and happy to have the Chief Minister among them.
On the initiative of Chief Minister Hemant Soren, for the first time in the state, the School Education and Literacy Department has organized an exhibition of artworks made by child artists studying in various schools of the state at Audrey House from November 3 to November 5, 2023. On this occasion, Rajya Sabha MP Smt. Mahua Maji, Secretary to Chief Minister Vinay Kumar Choubey, Secretary of School Education and Literacy Department Shri K. Ravi Kumar and other officials, teachers from various schools, child artists and a large number of other dignitaries were present. was present.