Delhi Water Minister Atishi on Wednesday inspected the underground water reservoir and floodplain project in Palla. The Kejriwal government is establishing an 8 MGD MGR that will ensure a water supply of 40 MGD of water daily at its full capacity in Palla.
During the inspection, Atishi directed officials to conclude the pending work promptly and initiate the operation of this reservoir. “The Kejriwal government's Palla Floodplain Project has been successful for the fourth consecutive year, resulting in an increase of up to 1.2 meters in the groundwater level. Under this project, a pond spread across 26 acres recharged 740 million gallons of groundwater in the fiscal year 2022-23,” the government said in a statement.
“The Palla Floodplain Project spans 40 acres, featuring a pond on 26 acres designed to collect floodwater, utilized to enhance groundwater levels in Delhi. Under this project, the pond, spread across 26 acres, recharged 740 million gallons of groundwater in the fiscal year 2022-23.” The Water Minister added.
Atishi shared that almost every year during the monsoon, the Yamuna River, which flows through the capital, experiences flooding, leading to millions of liters of water flowing from the Yamuna.
“In response, the Kejriwal government initiated the environment-friendly Palla Floodplain Project 4 years ago to collect the excess flood water from the river during the monsoon season, located near the Yamuna River in flood-prone areas. Under this initiative, a pond spanning 26 acres was created to collect floodwater. This water is being utilized to augment the groundwater in the capital,” it said.
The Water Minister said, “To determine the quantity of the rise in groundwater levels, 33 piezometers have also been installed. The primary objective of the Palla Floodplain Project is to accumulate floodwater, allowing the year-round utilization of the stored water to enhance the groundwater level. The successful outcomes of this project demonstrate the rapid recharge of groundwater, affirming its effectiveness. This project will not only benefit Delhi but will also serve as an excellent example for states grappling with drought and water scarcity across the country.”
Project to install 200 tube wells in the Palla flood-prone area, with 60 tube wells already in place, will help alleviate water shortage in various parts of the city.