Himachal Pradesh government is planning to open 1,000 Lok Mitra Kendra in far-flung areas during the current fiscal to provide instant internet access to the people, Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said on Wednesday. The government is determined to make high-speed internet connectivity accessible to the users, especially in the rural areas which lack internet connectivity through these Kendras, he said.
These centres will help in fulfilling the objective to create employment opportunities for the rural youth at their doorstep, Sukhu said in a statement.
A widespread optical fibre cable network will be laid across the state for providing internet connectivity, he said, adding that the government will also take up the matter with the concerned authorities to strengthen 5G services. Adequate budget provision has been made for the same by the government for the current financial year, the statement added. The chief minister said an 'Integrated Data Base Management System' would be created in the next four months.
This system will then be used for the direct benefit transfer (DBT) mapping of different welfare schemes of various departments, including agriculture, animal husbandry, labour and employment, he said.
The government has also started the process of setting up 'Him Parivar', he reiterated and informed that all the Information related to family members will be integrated on 'Him Parivar' by using data from the public distribution system (PDS), e-Kalyan and other such portals. Under this, one Unique ID will be provided to each beneficiary and the beneficiaries will have to submit necessary documents only once and need not visit government offices repeatedly, he said. The decision to further strengthen the network of Lok Mitra Kendra will ensure efficiency in services such as registration of birth and death certificates, revenue records, bonafide certificates, driving licenses, registration on various educational institutions, filling of examination forms, online job applications and others, the statement added.