Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday announced that the Ram Temple in Ayodhya will be completed in a few months and very soon Lord Ram will arrive. “Bhagawan Shri Ram bas aane hi wale hain (Lord Ram’s arrival is imminent),” Modi said addressing a large gathering to mark the occasion of Dusshera celebrations in the national Capital.
Asserting that prayers at the Ram Temple during the next Ramnavmi will spread happiness in the entire world, Modi said as Lord Ram is coming under such auspicious signs, after 75 years of Independence, India’s fortunes are now going to rise. The temple will be completed in a few months and it marks the victory of people’s patience, said Modi.
“The construction of the temple is happening amid many auspicious developments like India’s successful lunar mission, inauguration of the new Parliament building and the enactment of women’s reservation law have taken place. India is today emerging as the world’s largest democracy as well as the most trusted democracy,” Modi said amidst the chants of Jai Shri Ram in Dwarka area of south West Delhi where huge effigy of Ravan were consigned to flames.
Modi performed the ceremonial burning of the effigies, known as ‘Lanka Dahan.’ The Prime Minister also worshipped artists enacting the roles of Lord Ram, Goddess Sita, Lakshman, and Hanuman during Dussehra celebrations at the DDA ground in Dwarka, Delhi.
The Prime Minister also urged the audience to recognise that the burning of Ravana’s effigy should symbolise more than just a ritual, it should signify the eradication of societal ills that threaten mutual harmony.
He emphasised the importance of defeating to finish off forces trying to divide the country with casteism and regionalism
The Prime Minister’s comments were an apparent swipe at Opposition parties whom he has repeatedly accused of seeking to divide the country in the name of caste and region to draw political mileage.