Give peace a chance!

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Give peace a chance!

Wednesday, 29 November 2023 | Pioneer

Give peace a chance!

The extended cease-fire in Gaza is a fine opportunity to reach stability in the region

The cease-fire has come as a godsend to the average Palestinian who finally got respite from flying mortar shells and some peace to get ration and medicines, which are luxuries in the conflict zone. The two-day extension of the cease-fire offers them a glimmer of hope and to international community the time to work backchannels for prolonged peace. However, as the Hamas and Israel have tentatively agreed to a break from hostilities, questions linger about the long-term prospects for stability. Will these additional two days lead to meaningful negotiations and a lasting peace, or is it merely a temporary pause before the bloody conflict resumes? The international community plays a crucial role in determining the trajectory of events and fostering an environment conducive to sustainable peace. The decision to extend the cease-fire by two days suggests a willingness on the part of both Hamas and Israel to explore avenues other than bombs, bullets and bloodshed. This respite provides an opportunity for de-escalation and opens a window for negotiations. However, the history of conflicts in the region raises scepticism about the durability of such agreements. The cease-fire extension allows for humanitarian efforts to take place, facilitating the delivery of essential supplies and medical assistance to those affected by the violence. Additionally, the pause in hostilities can pave the way for diplomatic initiatives, fostering an environment where both parties can address underlying issues through dialogue.

One of the bigger, though not direct, consequences of the Gaza conflict is the involvement of super powers in the fray. Now that the US and the West are with Israel, China and Russia are throwing their weight behind the Hamas. This could have ominous consequences for the world; it is, therefore, in the interest of the world and not just of the people of Israel and Palestine that this conflict is made to peter out, at least for the time being. Key stakeholders, including the United Nations, regional powers and other influential nations, should actively encourage both parties to engage in meaningful negotiations, addressing the core issues that fuel the conflict. The international community should work collaboratively to ensure the delivery of aid, medical assistance and reconstruction support to alleviate the suffering of those caught in the crossfire. To prevent a return to square one after the ceasefire extension, sustained diplomatic efforts are required. The extension of the Gaza ceasefire provides a fleeting moment of hope for peace, but the international community must remain vigilant in guiding the path forward. By actively supporting diplomatic initiatives, addressing humanitarian needs and encouraging sustained dialogue, the world community can play a crucial role in ushering in lasting stability in the region. The alternative — resuming hostilities — would only perpetuate the cycle of violence and deepen the suffering of those directly affected by the conflict.

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