The BJP on Monday denied the reports that senior JD(U) leader and Union minister RCP Singh has joined the saffron party, saying he was in Hyderabad to attend a government programme.
The BJP's two-day national executive meeting concluded here on Sunday.
"This news is completely misleading that RCP Singh has joined BJP at the party's national executive meeting. He came to Hyderabad for a government programme and was welcomed by BJP workers at the airport who were already present there," senior BJP leader from Bihar Sushil Modi tweeted.
There was speculation about Singh's next course of action after JD(U) top brass denied him Rajya Sabha ticket despite being the minister from the party's quota.
Singh was just welcomed by the BJP workers at the Hyderabad airport as a Union Steel Minister and an NDA ally, sources in the party said.
He came to Hyderabad to attend the parliamentary committee meeting of his ministry, the sources said.