Cyber helpline Bhopal refunded more than Rs 13 lakh fraud amount in 32 complaints in the month of June. At present to stop the increasing cyber fraud in the city, the cyber (24×7) helpline service started by Bhopal Police 9479990636 is operational.
Complaints are made by the complainants on cyber fraud by calling the cyber helpline number 9479990636. Serious and prompt action is taken by the cyber helpline team on receipt of the complaint.
In case of cyber fraud, the possibility of getting the fraud amount refunded and freeze increases by giving information on the quick helpline number.
Taking swift action on the complaints received through cyber helpline number 9479990636 (24×7) in the month of June, more than Rs 13 lakh of fraud amount was refunded or freezed.
On the complaints of cyber fraud by the team of Cyber Helpline District Bhopal. Taking prompt action, more than Rs 13 lakh was refunded and money was refunded in the accounts of the complainants.
Complaints received on cyber helpline in the last month of March, taking serious prompt action on the complaints received fraudulently amounting to Rs.13 lakh in 32 complaints the refund was freezed and returned to the complainant's account. It is worth noting that in the complaints received by the cyber helpline team on the cyber helpline 9479990636 (24×7), a total of Rs 51 lakh have been refunded or freezed in the year 2022 so far.