The Liberator

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The Liberator

Monday, 14 June 2021 | Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj ji

The Liberator

Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj Ji feels that God being regarded as omnipresent is a misconception. If he was within us, why would we pray to be freed from the troubles of this life?

Today we all are living in an age where technology rules, yet many of us believe that God is everywhere and in everything around us. According to most religious scholars, God is present in every creature and every particle is his manifestation. However, is it really so?

Since the infiniteness of God leaves no room for any other existence, some people put forth arguments to say that, besides God, whatever else appears has no real and separate existence. They say that what you call ‘souls’, embodied in various forms, aren’t separate from and identical with infinite God. The distinction which we notice between the embodied souls and God is, according to them, only in appearance. They call it a dream or an illusion. Is that really the case? If that’s true then why is there so much strife, hatred and sorrow in this world? For ages, humans have prayed to God and undertaken penances to get a glimpse of him or receive his blessings.

Now, from a rational point of view, the very act of prayer is contrary to the belief in God’s omnipresence, because if he is present everywhere and in every one what is the need to pray? And why have saints, seers and other holy people searched for the supreme God if he is everywhere? Furthermore, dreams, as far as man understands them now, are representative of suppressed wishes, reminiscent of past events and certain emotions which are waiting to be fulfilled or exteriorised. They are not unreal but are correlated to the real world.

Thus, it is unphilosophical and illogical to theorise that God is infinite and that the souls or jivas are not different from him and that the world is a mere dream. The truth is that souls are infinitesimal points of light, eternal in their existence and God is a supreme point of light.

When souls are suffering, they call out to God to come and liberate them from their bondage and end their misery. It is thus obvious from this that the soul is not God. If it were God, then it would not be undergoing suffering in the first place. And this also shows that God is not omnipresent. If he was present everywhere, then there would have been no need for anyone to pray and beg him to come and end their sorrows, right? Because he comes and liberates human souls from the bondage of vices, which are the root cause of all human suffering, God is called a liberator. Remember, human souls come into these bondages precisely because they are not God, who is never captured by bondages as he is pure. That’s the reason why can purify another soul because all souls are caught in the same quagmire of vices. So, let us connect to that one supreme source and enlighten ourselves with his positive energy and powers to live a life of abundance.

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