Under the latest and popular online series of Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya entitled ‘Exhibit of the Week’ the ‘Krishna Leela –Pattachitra’ collected from 1998, The Community of Chitrakar of Puri, Odisha. Its Measurement Height - 92 cm, Width- 61cm. displayed in the audience as the fifth Exhibit of the month of August, 2021 through official website, Facebook, Instagram and twitter page of the IGRMS.
In this regard Praveen Kumar Mishra, Director, IGRMS said that Pattachitra, a spellbinding art form of Orissa, has a centuries-old legacy. This traditional form of painting is deeply rooted in puranic culture, encompassing elements of Hindu mythology that are soothingly presented in vivid colours and magnificent craftsmanship. Based on the medium used, the Odisha painting can be classified into three categories;
Patta Chitra or the painting on cloth, Bhitti Chitra or the painting on walls, and the Talapatra Chitra or Pothi Chitra the palm leaf engravings. However, the style of all these varieties remains more or less the same.
This painting on cloth depicts Krishna Leela, the enchanting and miraculous stories of the Lord, prepared in white colour over the black background.
The painting is presented in three visual parts of narration- the central circle, a rectangular middle space, and circular pictographs around the edges.