Maharashtra's coronvirus tally on Wednesday increased to 20,15,524 with the addition of 2,171 cases, a state health official.
The state reported 32 deaths during the day, which took the fatality count to 50,894, he said.
A total of 2,556 patients recuperated after treatment, pushing the state's recovery count to 19,20,006.
With this, the number of active cases went up to 43,393.
Mumbai city reported 435 positive cases on Wednesday, which pushed its overall count to 3,07,175, while its death toll rose to 11,323 with six of the patients dying during the day alone.
With 51,867 tests conducted in the last 24 hours, the overall test count of the state went up to 1,43,67,094.
Maharashtra's COVID-19 tally is as follows: Positive cases: 20,15,524, new cases: 2,171, death toll: 50,894, discharged: 19,20,006, active cases: 43,393, people tested so far: 1,43,67,094.