In order to ensure safety and security of commuters as well as the cab drivers, Delhi Police Commissioner, Amulya Patnaik, on Monday launched 'Himmat Plus' scheme integrated with Uber app at Indira Gandhi International (IGI) airport. Police said in case of an emergency, through this app, the Delhi Police Headquarters will receive the real-time location of a driver or a rider so that a police control room (PCR) van can be assigned to provide potentially life-serving assistance to distressed rider or driver.
According to Sanjay Bhatia, the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), IGI, when an Uber drivers or rider uses Uber's in app emergency button and if the driver or the rider wishes, Uber can now share their real-time location and other trip details with the Himmat Plus App response team for immediate support.
Speaking on the occasion the CP said that Delhi Police core mission is to ensure the safety of the public. "This new integration with enhanced location services and travel information will help save lives. We welcome the use of technology that enables Delhi Police to react more quickly and efficiently during an emergency. With conscious effort like QR Card distribution among driver partners, we are happy that private partners like Uber are working with us directly in making Delhi safer for all our residents and visitors," said the CP.
Commenting on the initiative, Prabhjeet Singh, Uber head cities in Indian and South Asia said, "Every second counts in an emergency and we want to ensure our technology ensures that our riders get immediate assistance when they want it the most. We are proud to assist Delhi Police by integrating this tech where they can access the exact location of a rider or driver, in case of an emergency. Our partnership is an absolute game-changer, and law enforcement professionals tell us that this can potentially save lives."
"Uber and Delhi Police have distributed over 1,000 Himmat QR verification Cards to driver partners. Once a rider scans the QR card, they can access driver's details and vehicle information in the Himmat App, and can report their journey directly to the Delhi Police via the Himmat App," said the DCP.