Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday said the national Capital is past the peak of the second wave of coronavirus and the situation has been controlled to a large extent. Kejriwal said the Delhi Government increased the testing exponentially to detect the infection.
“Delhi hit the peak of the second wave of Covid-19 on September 17 when 4,500 cases were reported across the city. The situation has been controlled to a large extent,” he said.
“I hope the second wave will slowly pass,” Kejriwal said. Testing in Delhi hit the 60,000 a day mark in September compared to 20,000 tests per day in August. The Chief Minister also said that 10,000 beds are now unoccupied in hospitals. At one point, 7,200 beds were occupied.
Forty-eight deaths were reported on September 29, the highest in a day since July 16, when the city reported 58 deaths. The average death rate for the last 10 days stands at 1.41 per cent.
Meanwhile on Tuesday, the national Capital recorded 39 Covid-19 fatalities pushing the toll to 5,581, while 2,676 fresh cases took the tally to over 2,95,000, authorities said.
These fresh cases came out of the 53,591 tests conducted the previous day. Thirty-nine new fatalities have been recorded, taking the death toll to 5,581, according to the latest bulletin issued by the Delhi health department.