Meditation and yoga can lead to such a level of remembrance that the soul can relate to god silently and personally without needing any physical image or idol, says Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj Ji
In spirituality, rememberance is said to be the highest state of connection, wherein an individual recollects their divine self which is the supreme soul. This releases a transformative energy, thereby, empowering the individual for a spiritual consciousness. Most of the people recognise this need when they want to be more peaceful, respectful and happier in life. However, the human consciousness is so overloaded with negative energies such as anger, fear, arrogance, possessiveness that from time to time this negativity explodes in emotional, verbal and physical violence.
We are so used to the violence in the world nowadays, that we have accepted it as a norm of life. But, there is also an instinct for harmony and peace, deep within the human spirit. That’s the reason many people consistently strive for peace and mutual respect.
However, fears and grievances hijack a person into a state of turmoil and stress even if they don’t want to. Under such a scenario, meditation works as a healing process that helps the person reconnect with his original self through understanding and remembrance. Through the remembrance of the Supreme soul, the human spirit can heal, purify and liberate itself from the treacherous habits that constantly sabotage its life. It is the basis of relationship of souls with their master — the Supreme soul. The steps for such remembrance are understanding, connection, concentration and absorption. When one absorbs themselves in the pure being of God, the divine energy is transferred into one’s body which purifies and empowers the self. This absorption helps the self to re-emerge its original qualities.
To remember the one who is eternally loving, truthful and peaceful, is called the art of Rajyoga. Traditionally, it has been said that Rajyoga is the most difficult yoga but it is probably the easiest wherein the self, soul and God are understood as a form of light. Though they have separate forms but are united through thought and feeling.
This connection with God is based on subtle love and not on anything visual or physical. There is no discrimination on the basis of nationality, culture and religion because it is a connection of pure feeling. For inner liberation, such kind of remembrance is paramount. It is regarded as the truest form of spirituality for cleaning and fulfilling the soul. One should not forget that God is available and accessible to all. You don’t need any position, role or nationality to connect with him instead the only thing that matters is a clean motive.
Yoga has become a very common word today. However, the word remembrance pinpoints the relationship with the Divine. A relationship that includes the feeling of a companion. After the soul connects with God, one is able to concentrate on the eternal friend’s divine qualities and absorb them within themselves. So, beyond meditation and yoga is such remembrance where the soul is able to relate to God silently, personally and constantly, beyond any physical or subtle image, and feels fully connected and empowered.