Amid rising cases of cyber crimes in Odisha, the State police have decided to set up three more cyber police stations. The upcoming cyber police stations are to be set up in Bhubaneswar, Baleswar and Jeypore to deal exclusively with Information Technology (IT) offences, said DGP Dr RP Sharma on Monday.
The cyber crime unit in the State would also be strengthened with more personnel being recruited, Sharma said while inaugurating a three-day training programme organised here by the CID-Crime Branch and the Unicef.
The cases of cyber crimes are on the rise in the State over the last few years. As many as 241 such cases were reported during the first three months of 2019. In 2018, the State had recorded around 867 cases. In contrast, police had registered a mere 120 cases in 2013, the DGP informed the training session.
A total of 46 arrests were made for violation of the Cyber Act during the first quarter of 2019 while in 2018 the figure was 256, he added.
“The State police have sent a proposal to the State Government for setting up of cyber police stations in Bhubaneswar, Baleswar and Koraput. The Government is considering the proposal,” Sharma revealed.
Crime ADG SK Upadhyay said the training programme is undertaken to enable the Inspector and Sub-Inspector-rank officers to crack the Cyber Act violation cases with prosecutable evidences. A total of 200 investigating officers are undergoing training at the workshop, he added.