Delhi Police has arrested a 34-year-old man for allegedly making a fake website of ‘Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyaan’. Police said the accused had cheated nearly 100 people by promising them jobs under the central Government scheme.
The accused identified as Prasenjit Chatterjee, a resident of North 24 Parganas district of West Bengal was arrested by the Cyber Cell of Delhi Police on Tuesday.
According to a senior police official, a case under various sections of Indian Penal Code (IPC) and IT Act was registered by the cyber crime unit on a complaint of Hari Sewak Sharma, vigilance officer, common service centre, Ministry of Electronics & IT (MeitY), regarding the fraudulent Government website and investigation was taken up.
“During investigation, it was found the accused had created a website similar to the official website https://www.Pmgdisha.In under the URL link http://wbpmgdisha.In, claiming that it’s the official website of the Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyaan for West Bengal,” said the senior police official.
“He cheated nearly 100 people by asking money from them to register them under the scheme for teaching jobs. After police received the complaint, the website was blocked,” said the senior police official.
“Based on investigation, the accused was identified and arrested by a team of the cyber crime unit from his home in West Bengal. His laptop computer and a hard disk have been seized,” said the police official adding that further investigation is going on.
Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyaan aims to make six crore rural households digitally literate.