The Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL)’s oil supply pipeline, which developed a leakage on February 24 evening and polluted the nearby Kaudia river with oil, was finally repaired late on Monday night.
Interestingly, the pipeline was leaked for the 12th time. It is learnt that the thieves use technical tools and underwater drilling to collect oil from the pipeline. It is being discussed in the public that how the oil mafias know the date and timing of oil supply from oil ships to oil terminal, which is a 7-km pipeline.
It is alleged that thieves acquire the information from IOCL higher officials and security guards by giving them huge amount of money and costly gifts. It is being discussed that security guards were found absent each time when thieves collected oil from pipe to their fishing boat. The matter comes to the fore when oil supply force becomes high and thieves fail to block the drilling point with a valve, causing oil flow to the river. Then only, the security guards inform the authorities and subsequently the leakage point is repaired.
Why the IOCL authorities don't take a permanent action to check oil theft? A nexus between oil thieves and IOCL officials and security staffs can’t be ruled out, said many.