It is not known whose great idea it was to fix electricity meters to electric poles so close to the ground in the GGP Colony area of Bhubaneswar. Due to lack of maintenance, many such meters are out in the open without any enclosures; and the wires are exposed.
This invites risk to people, especially children, who do not know the consequence of touching open wires. Even cows, which go close to electric poles in search of food, may get electrocuted.
It is requested that the CESU staffs concerned should proactively close all such meters with proper lids (covers) and relocate them to a much safer (higher) place on the poles for the safety of citizens before any causality is reported.
They should not wait for a mishap to happen to take action! Would the CESU CMD look into this?
K Ravi, E-237, GGP Colony, Bhubaneswar-751025, Mob: 9437616497