Kanjoos: A play on 'Miser' staged

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Kanjoos: A play on 'Miser' staged

Thursday, 05 July 2018 | Staff Reporter | Bhopal

Moliere’s classic play of 17th century The Miser was brought on stage with an Indian touch called ‘Kanjoos’. Adapted and conceptualized by Hazrat Awara in Hindi and Urdu the play was brilliantly performed on Wednesday at Shaheed Bhawan Auditorium.

All the theatre buffs of the city were in whirls of laughter as they watched the play.

This Hindi play that unfolds the mystery of a miser in a hilarious manner was much enjoyed by the theatre buffs of the city.

Narrating the story of Mirza Sekhawat Baig and his family, the play Kanjoos was directed by Seema More. The play was wonderfully staged by the artists of Yamini Film Training and Public Welfare Society, Bhopal.

The play hishlights about five major characters i.e. Mirza Sekhawat Baig (the protagonist-the miser) his son Farooque an intelligent and a handsome youth, his daughter Azra a docile and diplomatic girl, Mariyam (Farooque’s love) and Nasir (servant and Azra’s love).

The story takes audience to a comic expedition where through comical acts and scenes, the audience unfolds the mystery behind miseries and selfishness. The play was intellectually designed with the mixture of dramatic irony and a serious theme that was presented comically.

Mirza Sekhawat Baig is a miser who does not even trusts his son, daughter and especially the servants of his house. His aunt in misery brings a proposal of a young girl Mariyam who in turns is the lover of Farooque.

Mirza was more than happier when he thought he will be marrying a beautiful and a young girl. On the other hand Nasir who loves Azra tries to impress Mirza to get married to her.

The entire family was sick of Mirza’s behavious. Farooque and Azra then plots against him and steal the box filled with Asharfis. As the situations get tangled in each other comically, Mirza realizes his mistake and get his children married to their lovers.

The light design added to the essence of the moods of the scenes and audience enjoyed it whole heartedly.

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