Significance of Makar Sankranti

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Significance of Makar Sankranti

Sunday, 10 January 2016 | Ridhi Bahl

During this holy festival, we learn to feel oneness with all creations, we learn to be unselfish and to tread the path of love, purity and forgiveness, writes RIDHI BAHl

Makar Sankranti — which falls on January 15 — marks the beginning of an auspicious phase in Indian culture. It marks the transition of sun into the zodiac sign of Maka (Capricorn), which is the holy phase of transition. It marks the end of an inauspicious phase, and sacred Hindu rituals can be sanctified from this day. It is the festival of Sun God; the sun on this day ends its southward journey, that is dakshinayan, and starts moving northwards ie uttarayan, towards the Tropic of Cancer in the Hindu month of Paush (starts mid-December). Uttarayan is the daytime of the deity. Night is considered as the symbol of sin and false doing, whereas day is regarded as the symbol of truth, virtue and religion. So when it is day for Gods, all works of virtue are performed on Makar Sankranti when days become longer and nights become shorter.

To Hindus, the sun stands for knowledge, spiritual light and wisdom. Makar Sankranti signifies that we should turn away from the darkness of delusion in which we live and begin to joyously let the light within us shine bright. We should grow in purity, wisdom and knowledge just as the sun does from this day. Sun stands for all ideals; its message is that of light, unity, equality and true selflessness. These are the ideals of a karma yogi. Hence, the sun is the biggest karma yogi. Does it ask for any rewards for all that it gives usIJ If it stops giving light, we will be doomed. If we learn this one lesson from the sun, our lives will shine with the divine lustre.

Makar sankranti story: Capricorn is the sign of Saturn (shani); the sun on this day enters the sigh of Saturn. The sun is the father of Saturn and as per Hindu mythology, father (sun) and son (shani) don’t get along well. But on this day, the father goes to meet his son. Both Saturn and Sun are mighty planets whose auspicious blessings can make humans achieve great success. Hence on Makar Sankranti, people pray to both sun and Saturn. In the era of Mahabharat, Bhishma Pitama had a blessing of wish death. Although lying on the bed of arrows, he did not sacrifice his life in dakshinayan and waited for the sun to go in uttarayan to discard his body. It is believed that people who die in uttarayan get a place in Krishna lok, and get moksha. Another story is that on this day King Bhagirath brought Ganga to earth, thus providing moksha to 60,000 sons of Maharaj Sagar.

Spiritual importance: On Makar Sankranti from sunrise to sunset, the environment is full of chaitanya or divine consciousness. Thus a seeker doing sadhana (spiritual practice) can derive the maximum benefit of the increased chaitanya. Due to the chaitanya, tejtattva (absolute fire principle) also increases in seekers. This day is very conducive for sadhana.

Harvest Festival: This festival is related to foodgrain harvesting; it is also called lohri in Punjab. Traditionally lohri is associated with the harvest of Rabi crop. This is the time to sow sugarcane crop, which is harvested between December and March with a 12 to 18 month cycle. Sugarcane products such as gur and gajak are an important part of lohri.

significance of sesame sweets: Sesame seed sweets have the ability to absorb and emit high amounts of sattva frequencies. By consuming seed sweets, inner purification happens which helps improve one’s sadhana. By distributing these sweets to each other, there is an exchange of sattvikta. According to Ayurveda, eating sesame seeds in winters is beneficial for our health.

FAIRS and FESTIVAlS: On this day many fairs are held in different regions of India. The biggest fair is held at Ganga Sagar in West Bengal, where River Ganga enters the sea thousands of pilgrims and sadhus come here for the holy bath on Makar Sankranti. The bullock festival, cattle fair is held at different places on this day, where camels, horses and bullocks are sold and purchased. A famous and unique fair is held at Rajgir in Bihar.

Surya mantra: On the day of Makar Sankranti, surya mantra japa should be done and the sun should be worshipped. The mantra to be recited is: “Om Hreem Hreem Hroumm Sah Suryaya Namah.”

Makar Sankranti is also called Pongal by Tamilians for whom it ushers  in the new year. The day begins with surya pongal or sun worship. The newly harvested corn is then cooked for the first time. Sankranti is celebrated all over South Asia with some regional variations. It is known by different names with different customs, like Pongal in Tamil Nadu, Uttrayan in Gujarat, Bhogali Bihu in Assam, Shishir Sakranti in Kashmir, Makar Sankranti in Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Haryana. Not just in India, it is celebrated in Nepal as Maghe Sankranti, in Myanamar as Thingyan, in Cambodia as Moha Sagkran, and in Sri lanka as Uzhavar Pongal.

During this holy festival, we learn to feel oneness with all creations, we learn to be unselfish and to tread the path of love, purity and forgiveness. We learn that our real wealth is the goodwill and friendship of those around us, the land on which our food grows, and the animals that help make our work easier.

The writer is an astrologer and Vastu consultant

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